Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Free Choice 3: Poser

This goes with Picture 2 at the bottom of the screen.

I helped this little fella get out of a scrap with my cats. I guess they were chasing him for a couple of minutes before he finally found a place to hide. When I found him, he was cowering between two creases in a towel, waiting for the perfect moment to head back outside. I picked up the towel and I realized I had exposed him. So, because of the guilt I felt for ruining his getaway and the strong sway of human duty, I put him back outside into our wisteria bush. He thanked me by posing for my picture. He didn’t even blink when the flash went off.

It would be fun to indulge myself by pretending I have a little Snow-White fantasy relationship with the animals of the wild south, but I don’t. Sure, I can help them out, but they won’t remember or pay me back. One time we brought a hurt bird home and helped it get better, but it didn’t come back after we let it go. The same thing happened with this lizard. While I was taking him back outside, he was squirming in my hand, trying to get out. I think he was just watching me take this picture because he thought that I might try to eat him.

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